Ultrarunning film

Kansas City Dates Announced - Once Is Enough LIVE TAPING

Comedian Jeffrey James Binney will be taping his first comedy special Once Is Enough with live audiences Saturday July 9th at 7:30 & 9:30 at The Living Room Theater in Kansas City Missouri.

Tickets start at $20 and go on sale Monday Feb 22nd at www.OnceIsEnoughFilm.com.

Podcast Ep 3 - Countdown To Leadville

So....my back is still screwed up. It's fine. It's not Leadville ending. But it is infuriating. Aaaaaand I'm being a huge baby about it. Check out this installment of Countdown To  Leadville  where I'm joined with world renowned solo comedy artist Shanna Shrum. Don't forget to rate the AthleteOnFire Podcast and subscribe to my YouTube Channel so you're sure not to miss the last few episodes!

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Podcast Ep 1 - Countdown To Leadville

OK so remember how I started a training blog 6 months ago that had three killer blog posts and then turned to radio silence?  Yeah, I know...me too. Not anymore my friends! I've partnered with Scott Jones from Athlete On Fire to bring you a 6-episode podcast and vlog detailing the last three months of training with ultra runner Ian Sharman for the 2015 Leadville Trail 100 on August 22nd in Leadville, CO.

In an effort to provide some antagonistic humor, I'll be joined each episode by my two best comedian friends, Annie & Kevin Laferriere, who aren't runner and think what I'm doing is absolutely mad. Enjoy and don't forget to subscribe on YouTube to be sure you catch each installment of Countdown To Leadville!

Please please please don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel and give this video a big thumbs up and rate my podcast on iTunes! For more information about Jeffrey or his ultra running docucomedy Once Is Enough visit www.OnceIsEnoughFilm.com

AND don't forget to grab your tickets for Annie and Kevin's LA Fringe comedy show at Fully Committed http://bit.ly/1HaVjIy

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My Athlete On Fire Interview

Listen in as I chat with Scott from the killer Athlete On Fire podcast!   

Be sure to follow along with his Becoming Ultra project to watch two athletes learn how to become ultra athletes!




A Chat With Mountain Meister Podcast



Recently, I sat down with Ben Schenck from the well-known Mountain Meister podcast to talk about how I got started running, Once Is Enough, and what it's like to train for the Leadville 100 with pro ultra athlete Ian Sharman.

I crossed the finish line having accepted that I was two minutes past the cutoff.”
— Jeffrey James Binney

Listen to the episode above and don't forget to subscribe to Mountain Meister and give them a rating on iTunes!