Journey To 100: Week 1

It starts today.  I've completed my first 50 miler and have made the absolutely insane decision to train for my first 100 mile ultra marathon.  The Leadville 100 in Leadville, Colorado.  One of the world's oldest and toughest 100 mile ultra marathons...primarily because of the extreme altitude and lack of oxygen.  What makes me think this 240lb husky ginger can finish it?  I've no clue.  But apparently I'm crazy enough to give it a try.

Luckily, I'll be in good hands as we've brought Ian Sharman on board as my trainer to help prepare and guide me toward the finish line.  There's literally nobody on earth who is better equipped to train me for this challenge.  Not only has Ian won the Leadville 100 he also holds the US record for the fastest trail 100 miler..among numerous other wins. 

After taking a fairly inactive month off from running after completing my first 50 miler...the North Face Endurance Challenge 50 miler in San Fransisco, it was a slow start getting myself back in the groove of things.  But by my long run at the end of the week I remember why I love this crazy sport so f$%&ing much!

My first week's long run was a 15 mile jaunt.  I chose my favorite mountain training loop in the Santa Monica Mountains. A grueling 15 mile loop in Malibu Creek State Park.  It was raining.  A rare occurrence for southern California.  It was muddy.  I had to wade through flood waters. At times the fog was so dense I couldn't see more than ten feet ahead.  And I LOVED IT!  This is why I do this.  Adventure.  I'd rather eat a box of nails than run on a treadmill in a florescent lit packed gym.  But sliding through 15 miles of muddy trail with my head literally in the clouds?  Yes. Please god. Yes.